Creare to Present at Turbine Engine Technology Symposium

Creare to Present at Turbine Engine Technology Symposium

Creare will deliver two presentations at the upcoming Turbine Engine Technology Symposium (TETS) on September 10-13, 2018 in Dayton, Ohio.  The TETS Symposium is a biennial forum where the United States turbine engine community gathers to review and discuss the latest turbine engine technology advances. An audience of approximately 1000 is expected, drawing participants from […]

Creare Makes Improved Flight Deck Hearing Protection a Reality

Creare Makes Improved Flight Deck Hearing Protection a Reality

Comfortable and effective head and hearing protection is necessary for Navy personnel working in high noise environments like a carrier flight deck or the well deck of amphibious ships. Creare has recently received funding to further productize its commercially available helmet into an improved flight deck cranial called Triple Hearing Protection (THP). This new safety […]

Advanced Manufacturing of Nuclear Power Fuel Pins

Advanced Manufacturing of Nuclear Power Fuel Pins

Future nuclear power plants can provide a large-scale source of environmentally benign power generation while improving plant safety and minimizing proliferation risks.   Some innovative reactor designs use uranium alloy fuel pins made with annular geometries that reduce fuel temperature and swelling compared to solid pins. To realize these benefits, high volume advanced manufacturing methods are […]

Heavier Astronauts Have Higher Risk of Post-flight Eye Changes

Heavier Astronauts Have Higher Risk of Post-flight Eye Changes

The results of a research project led by Dr. Jay Buckey of Dartmouth College have just been published, as described in this American Journal of Physiology press release.  The findings suggest that changes in the eye that occur during spaceflight may be related to how much an astronaut weighs. The study is published ahead of […]

Creare Developing 4K Cryocooler for Tactical Applications

Creare Developing 4K Cryocooler for Tactical Applications

Superconducting electronics and spectral-spatial holography have the potential to revolutionize digital communications, but must operate at cryogenic temperatures, near 4 Kelvin. Liquid helium is undesirable for military missions due to logistics and scarcity. Commercial low temperature cryocoolers are unable to meet size, weight, power, and environmental requirements for many missions. To address this need, Creare […]

Industrial-Strength Consulting – Engineering Services from Creare

Industrial-Strength Consulting – Engineering Services from Creare

Throughout its history, Creare has maintained a balanced portfolio of industrial and government customers. We are recognized in industry circles as a valuable problem solver and an innovative partner for product development. Creare is responsive to the quick tempo of industrial development. Working in close collaboration with the client’s technical team, we are more than […]

Creare Presents Technology Development Success Stories at Navy Forum

Creare Presents Technology Development Success Stories at Navy Forum

Creare LLC, a leading developer of technology solutions for government and industry clients, will present three talks about successful SBIR Phase II Projects during the Navy Forum for SBIR/STTR Transition. The Creare presentations are scheduled for Monday, April 9, 2018 at the Gaylord National Convention Center, National Harbor, MD.   This event is co-located with the 2018 […]

Unattended Aerial Sensor Platforms

Unattended Aerial Sensor Platforms

Imagine flying a lightweight low-cost drone. Challenging but doable. Now imagine doing that in the turbulent air-wake of a ship to measure atmospheric parameters. Harder. How about unattended? The Navy relies upon pressure, temperature, and humidity data to model electromagnetic propagation through the atmosphere, which dramatically improves accuracy of ship-based radar systems. NOAA (National Oceanographic […]

Software Helps Keep U.S. Ground Forces on the Move

Software Helps Keep U.S. Ground Forces on the Move

The use of mobile devices is exploding for communications, entertainment, navigation, information collection and dissemination, and mobile health, to name just a few areas. Creare’s software team develops applications for iOS and Android that provide robust user-friendly interfaces for managing and interacting with data on cloud-based servers and for connecting and interacting directly with custom […]

Atmospheric Aerosol Sampling Systems

Atmospheric Aerosol Sampling Systems

Creare is developing a low-power atmospheric aerosol sampling system that employs electrostatic precipitation for the Department of Energy (DOE). One application of this system of particular interest to the DOE is for sampling radionuclides. Collecting radionuclide aerosols from the atmosphere and measuring the isotopic composition is a well-accepted method for detecting, locating, and identifying uranium- […]