Creare Presentations at 2019 ASME Turbomachinery Expo

Creare Presentations at 2019 ASME Turbomachinery Expo

More than 2,800 technical experts from around the world will gather next week for the premier conference devoted to all-things turbomachinery. The ASME Turbomachinery Technical Conference take place in Phoenix, AZ on June 17-21. Presentation topics vary from combustion to compressor aerodynamics to waste heat recovery. The exhibition will feature over 120 vendors of turbomachinery-related products […]

Creare Awarded DOE Funding for Energy Generation Systems

Creare Awarded DOE Funding for Energy Generation Systems

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently awarded Creare LLC with funding for two projects related to advanced energy generation systems. The awards were part of DOE’s $36M High Intensity Thermal Exchange through Materials and Manufacturing Processes (HITEMMP) and OPEN+ High Temperature Devices programs. These projects seek to develop new approaches and technologies for the design […]

Creare to Showcase Waste-to-Energy System at US Navy FST

Creare to Showcase Waste-to-Energy System at US Navy FST

Creare LLC will present an innovative waste-to-energy system at the US Navy’s Forum for SBIR/STTR Transition at the Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell in Lowell, MA on April 10-11, 2019.  Creare LLC is developing the system with Cogent Energy Systems under funding with the U.S. Navy. The system is designed to convert up to 4 […]

Brayton Cycle Power Generation in Space

Brayton Cycle Power Generation in Space

A unique aspect about working at Creare is the exciting applications that we encounter on a daily basis. Whether I’m working on a stress analysis or evaluating drag losses, it’s likely to impact a component that could eventually find a home on an aircraft carrier or deep space probe. One of the research interests that […]

Measuring Bubbles in Concrete

Measuring Bubbles in Concrete

It’s the most used material in the world. You’ve stepped on it, driven on it, likely poured it, and quite frankly entrust your life to millions of tons of it every day. The essential ingredients of concrete are rocks, cement, and water. But there’s one more that’s just as important – any guesses? Bubbles! Water […]

Navigating Small UAV’s

Navigating Small UAV’s

Imagine a small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV, popularly known as a drone) with a measure of autonomy, capable of obstacle avoidance, dynamic mapping and navigation, and automated takeoff and landing. Larger drones can afford the weight of conventional instruments, whereas smaller drones are unable to. To expand applications and reduce costs for smaller UAVs, added […]

An Engineer’s Adventure at Sea

An Engineer’s Adventure at Sea

As an R&D engineer at Creare LLC, I have the opportunity to work on some very interesting projects.  Recently, I was privileged to spend two weeks on the Pacific Ocean in support of a Creare project internally named “Deep Sea Rankine”.  Working with the crew of the research ship R/V Roger Revelle, the remotely operated […]

Handheld Additive Manufacturing Technology for Structural Repairs

Handheld Additive Manufacturing Technology for Structural Repairs

The US Navy has an ongoing need for precise and effective methods for full dimensional, full-strength restoration of damaged aircraft components.  Damage can be caused by the installation, removal and handling of aircraft parts, as well as impact by foreign object debris. For smaller nicks, dings and dents, the goal is to restore the part […]

Heat Exchanger for Gas Turbine Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery

Heat Exchanger for Gas Turbine Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery

Creare has recently delivered a heat exchanger that was used to successfully recover waste heat from the exhaust gas stream from an RR-250 gas turbine engine.  Creare teamed with Innovative Automation Inc., Electratherm, and the United States Naval Academy to demonstrate waste heat recovery and conversion to electrical power at the USNA Gas Turbine Laboratory. […]

Creare to Exhibit Aircraft Carrier Technologies at Tailhook

Creare to Exhibit Aircraft Carrier Technologies at Tailhook

Creare will be attending the Tailhook Symposium again this year to showcase our aircraft carrier technologies that support US Navy aviation. The symposium is September 6-9, 2018 in Reno, Nevada. This year, we will feature two near-term procurement programs funded by Naval Air Systems Command. We will also exhibit other projects intended to further automate […]